

Situated at the intersection of New Ashcake Road and Chamberlayne Road, the Caldwell Park development is sure to make a statement upon completion. This project features a massive permanent retention basin, extensive improvements to the adjacent roads, and intricate grading to bring the site up to grade. When all is said and done, this development will contain many new homes and the infrastructure to expand in the future. Not only that, but it will bear the signature mark of CD Hall Construction skill and excellence.

Project Highlights

  • Over twenty-five acres of development
  • Over 125,000 cubic yards of dirt moved
  • Nearly one and a half miles of storm pipe
  • Nearly two miles of utility pipe
  • Over one and a half miles of curb and gutter
  • Nearly 200,000 square-feet of concrete flatwork and paved area
  • Extensive turn lane work to both New Ashcake Road and Chamberlayne Road